Water Element
I’m Stephane Barbier and I live on the French Riviera where I dive regularly. I practice physical sports for maintenance and also to improve my diving practice.
I practice diving since 1981 when I passed my first diving level when I was 14 years old. I’m a professional diver since 1987, professional diving instructor, professional scaphander and diving military instructor.
I have a real passion for marine animals, marine mammals and, above all, for sharks.
Naturally, I became interested in photography through my love to the water element, wildlife and also for the love of our wonderful nature.
Therefore, I wanted to share this amazing passion, thanks to photography.
I use an “Olympus Tough TG 810 camera” (14 megapixels) with an “Olympus Tough PT-051 Waterproof housing”. I chose Olympus because their underwater compact cameras are among the best in the world and are not too expensive.
The benefits to work with this kind of equipment are, robustness, reliability, image quality and price. But, it remains a small compact camera and it has not the same image quality and speed of a reflex.
In my post-processing workflow for underwater photography, I use a simple but not professional software.
I have already dived in the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic, South Pacific and Indian Oceans and took many pictures with that equipment. Now I would love to dive and take pictures on the Great Barrier Reef, Galapagos, Guadalupe, Tonga Islands, Socorro islands, Komodo, Bahamas, Cortez Sea.

“I’m Stephane Barbier, a professional diver. I did my diving test in 1976, in an old village swimming pool.
I have a vocation for diving and a passion for water Element, Sharks and Marine Animals. My favourite Shark is Ocean White Tip Shark.
The future of our Earth, Seas and Oceans. Don’t forget that, the real big Boss in diving is, the Water Element.”