Lens Comparison: Olympus 25mm f1.2 Pro vs Panasonic 25mm f1.4 DG & D
This article is the test of these three 25mm lens for the M43 cameras:
Micro 4/3: Olympus 25mm F/1.2 Pro
Micro 4/3: Panasonic 25mm DG F/1.4
4/3 Lens: Panasonic D 25mm F/1.4 + Olympus the MMF-2 (4/3 to Micro 4/3 Adapter)
- Click the images to see in high resolution directly at Flickr.
Body: OLYMPUS PEN-F only
Appearance with and without lens hood:
Lens specifications:
The following photographs all use the Olympus PEN-F body taken using M-mode, exposure parameters fixed, white balance, and color mode. In the samples no filters or lens hood were used.
Olympus 25mm f / 1.2 Pro
Panasonic DG 25mm f / 1.4
Panasonic D 25mm f / 1.4
Olympus 25mm f / 1.2 Pro
Panasonic DG 25mm f / 1.4
Panasonic D 25mm f / 1.4
Minimum focusing distance
Olympus 25mm f / 1.2 Pro – 19cm (7.48 “)
Panasonic DG 25mm f / 1.4 – 19,5cm (7.48 “)
Panasonic D 25mm f / 1.4 – 38cm (14.96 “)
Night shot
Olympus 25mm f / 1.2 Pro | f / 4.0
Panasonic DG 25mm f / 1.4 | f / 4.0
Panasonic D 25mm f / 1.4 | f / 4.0
Left: Panasonic D | Mid: Panasonic DG | Right: Olympus Pro
Left: Panasonic D | Mid: Panasonic DG | Right: Olympus Pro
Backlit photo
Left: Panasonic D | Mid: Panasonic DG | Right: Olympus Pro
Image quality
Left: Panasonic D | Mid: Panasonic DG | Right: Olympus Pro
F/1.2 > F/1.4 > F/2.0 > F/2.8 > F/4.0 > F/5.6 > F/8.0 > F/11 > F/16
Backlight: chromatic aberrations, flare and purple fringing
Left: Panasonic D | Mid: Panasonic DG | Right: Olympus Pro
F/1.2 > F/1.4 > F/2.0 > F/2.8 > F/4.0 > F/5.6 > F/8.0 > F/11 > F/16
Left: Panasonic D | Mid: Panasonic DG | Right: Olympus Pro
F/1.2 > F/1.4 > F/2.0 > F/2.8 > F/4.0 > F/5.6 > F/8.0 > F/11 > F/16
Night shoot
Left: Panasonic D | Mid: Panasonic DG | Right: Olympus Pro
F/1.2 > F/1.4 > F/2.0 > F/2.8 > F/4.0 > F/5.6 > F/8.0 > F/11 > F/16

I’m Ricardo, Taiwanese photographer. I love sharing the images about my travels and life to people. Olympus camera is my favorite and I like to do reviews of the different cameras and lenses. I hope you find these reviews useful.
Kenny S. Zhang
September 20, 2017 @ 23:58
Wow. What a great comparison. The Olympus 25 definitely wins on smooth out of focus transitions compared to the Panasonic lenses.
What’s interesting to note is that even though the Panasonic four thirds D 25 lens, being big as it is, doesn’t do any better than the m43 version in any aspect. It’s a hell of a lot bigger even without the adapter with its 62mm filter thread. Can anyone chime in if it’s even worth getting if you are a m43 user?
Jim Chung
September 21, 2017 @ 00:27
It’s worth getting the 43rds lens because it’s still the most economical entry.
February 12, 2018 @ 21:33
Not a lot of difference, but the Oly is certainly that wee bit better